letter from the editor
April 2022
When I first shared the invitation to join The Lucia Collective in March 2021, I really hoped with all my heart it wouldn’t flop. I asked the cosmos if there could please be as many as 10 people sign up so that I would be able to create, share and connect without worrying that everyone might think the collective was too small.
When in the first week more than 30 joined from around the country and the world, I felt joy and then a jolt of recognition. I realized this offering was tapping into something much larger than me—there is a chord our sensitive, intuitive, creative sides long for and need to hear. It has to do with connection, inspiration, validation and acknowledgement of the light we carry and are here in this life to let shine.
Reaching out and listening to kindred spirits within our collective each month for the past year has been sanity supporting. Together, we held quiet, slow space for creative connection and conversation. Our group of sensitive souls kept a proverbial candle burning at the online kitchen table for all who wished to gather around.
During the darker months between September and February, we also co-created this online chapbook, a small journal giving voice to and exploring the concept of mischief.
"The trickster archetype breaks the rules of the natural order, playfully disrupting normal life and then re-establishing it on a new basis. She does this by creating a little mischief.”
All of our members were invited to contribute written essays, poems, photography, artwork or audio pieces. Five generous contributors answered the call and their work is here in this very first edition of The Lucia Collective’s online journal.
Delightful in its simplicity and lightheartedness, this collection of work serves as inspiration. It is reflective of the playful side of beauty each of us is capable of creating. To me, it is a reminder that the trickster is alive and well in us—and together we are creating a whole new world.
Welcome to Mischief.
Laura Lowery, founder and editor